Airbus: Future of Autonomous Take-Offs and Landings is Near?

Photo: Tom Buysse /

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Another milestone in the autonomous aircraft operations field. After the two-year test program, Airbus has completed its Autonomous Taxi, Take-Off and Landing (ATTOL) project.

With over 500 test flights, Airbus achieved autonomous taxiing, take-off and landing of a commercial aircraft through fully automatic vision-based flight tests using on-board image recognition technology – a world-first in aviation.

Approximately 450 of those flights were dedicated to gathering raw video data, to support and fine tune algorithms, while a series of six test flights, each one including five take-offs and landings per run, were used to test autonomous flight capabilities.

Airbus is now able to analyse the potential of these technologies for enhancing future aircraft operations, all the while improving aircraft safety, ensuring today’s unprecedented levels are maintained.