Tag: Mi-28N

Upgraded Mi-28NM Attack Helicopter Started Undergoing Flight Tests

Reading Time: 2 minutes The flight trials of the Mil Mi-28NM (NATO reporting name: Havoc) advanced upgraded attack helicopter have been kicked off in Russia, according to the Izvestia daily. A prototype of the Mi-28NM upgraded attack helicopter, also known as Product 296, has flown its early test sorties for its controls and engines to be tested and its […]

Russian Aerospace Force Receives Over 30 Planes And Helicopters In 2016

Reading Time: < 1 minute Over 300 units of weaponry, military and special air defense equipment, including over 30 aircraft, has been provided to units and formations of the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces since the start of 2016, the Defense Ministry said on Friday. “Over 30 newest planes and helicopters were provided to Aerospace Defense Forces’ aviation units. Radio engineering forces’ […]

Two Russian Pilots Killed in Helicopter Crash Over Rebel Territory in Syria

Reading Time: 2 minutes Two Russian pilots have died in a helicopter crash over rebel territory in Syria. A spokesperson for Russia’s ministry of defence said the Mi-28N attack helicopter came down in Homs province in the early hours of Tuesday morning. “The bodies of the dead pilots were removed during search and rescue operations and are currently at […]