Global 7500 Business Jet Certified by EASA


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Bombardier announced that the industry flagship business jet, the Global 7500 aircraft, has received European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification, validating the requirement for the aircraft’s operation in Europe.

The Global 7500 business jet earned its type certification from Transport Canada in September 2018, followed by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in November 2018, both within only 24 months after the first flight of FTV1. The aircraft entered service in December 2018.

The Global 7500 aircraft has demonstrated its ability to fly further than any other business jet by expanding its advertised range to 7,700 nautical miles, a full 300 nautical miles further than initial commitments.

The Global 7500 aircraft offers not only its signature smooth ride, but also an elevated cabin experience, with spaciousness that is unique among business jets, and its award-winning interior featuring a full-size kitchen and four true living spaces.

Source: Bombardier