Photo: ArriveAlive
Reading Time: 2 minutesA MAC Martin’s Air Charter (owner Rovos Air) Convair, performing a test flight from Pretoria Wonderboom to Pretoria Wonderboom (South Africa), was climbing out of Wonderboom’s runway 29 when ground observers noticed smoke from the left hand engine, the aircraft appeared to not climb anymore, estimated height was about 300 feet.
The aircraft appeared to maneouver to join a downwind and turn for final when it lost height, impacted and broke through a house and came to rest about 5.7km/3.1nm.

About 20 people on the aircraft and on the ground received injuries, one occupant – reportedly the flight engineer – received critical injuries and subsequently died, three other people – reportedly including the pilots – received serious injuries. The aircraft received substantial damage beyond repair.

Emergency services reported 4 occupants were trapped inside the aircraft and needed to be freed, all 4 including the pilots received critical injuries. They were flown to a hospital in Johannesburg.
The aircraft was being prepared to depart for Europe to join a display in Lelystad (Netherlands) on Jul 23rd 2018. The Aviodrome Lelystad reported three of their museum staff were on board of the aircraft, they are all okay with minor injuries only.