Tag: domestic market

Domestic Market in Vietnam Moves Towards Full Recovery

Reading Time: 2 minutes While Vietnam still remains closed for international travel, its domestic market is rapidly accelerating the return to full local air  service. Domestic flights have been re-opened since 22 April, when Vietnam lifted a lockdown order. From 7 May, in turn, the limitations on the number of flights between Hanoi, HCMC and Da Nang City were […]

China’s C919 Aircraft to Undergo Tests Ahead of 2021 Deliveries

Reading Time: < 1 minute China’s first domestically made large passenger aircraft is expected to undergo intensive test flights in 2018, in a bid to make the first delivery of the airliner in 2021. Before the delivery can be made, the C919 still faces complicated and difficult test flights, Science and Technology Daily reported, citing Wang Wei, chief engineer at […]

Ryanair May Abandon UK Domestic Market On Brexit

Reading Time: < 1 minute Ryanair could abandon the UK domestic market following Brexit the Irish LCC’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Neil Sorahan, has told Bloomberg. Speaking a day after Prime Minister Teresa May confirmed the United Kingdom would be leaving the European Single Market, and by extension the European Single Aviation Market, Sorahan said the anticipated need for a […]