Laserpas Project Reveals 10 Dangerous Objects Per Powerline Kilometer

Reading Time: 2 minutes Laserpas, a leading international Remotely Piloted Airborne System (RPAS) operator in the Baltic States, announced having completed another power grid inspection pilot project for one of the national transmission operators in the Baltics. Having inspected 330 kV power grid line spanning over 136,17 km, company uncovered over 1500 suspicious and dangerous trees, as well as […]

CASA Releases Discussion Paper and Opens Submissions For Drone Review

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has opened submissions for its review into commercial and recreational operations of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), or drones. The regulator on Friday published a discussion paper on RPAS operations in Australia, noting there were about 50,000 drones used in this country currently, mostly for sport and recreational purposes. […]