Tag: Tecnam

Forward-looking Plans of Avia Repair Co

Reading Time: 4 minutes A newly established maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) company Avia Repair Co based at Lleida-Alguaire International Airport in Spain, will start its operations shortly. BAA Training is its founder and anchor client, but a more expanded customer and service portfolio are expected to follow over the next years. Initially, Avia Repair Co will be serving […]

BAA Training Invests over 1.2M EUR into Ab Initio Training Equipment

Reading Time: 2 minutes BAA Training, one of the biggest independent aviation training centres in Europe, is expanding its Ab Initio flight school capacity by investing over 1.2M EUR into new learning material and equipment. Recently, the Academy has purchased 4 new aircraft, two Cessna 172 and two Tecnam T2002, which are expected to join the fleet currently consisting […]

Purdue Becomes Tecnam Sales and Training Center

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Purdue Research Park Aerospace District in West Lafayette, Indiana, announced a partnership that will make the university a sales, maintenance and training center for Italy’s Tecnam, a maker of general aviation piston airplanes. “There is a tremendous challenge of pilot scarcity in U.S. aviation. One of our most important endeavors is to train and […]

Tecnam P2012 Traveller Rolls Out

Reading Time: 2 minutes Successful roll-out of the first TECNAM P2012 Traveller from its Experimental Assembly Line (XAL) in Capua (Italy). The Tecnam Flight Crew powered up the P2012’s pair of Lycoming TEO-540-C1A engines for a successful and smooth taxi onto the Capua ramp. In the cockpit of P2012 (serial number 001) were Tecnam Managing Director, Paolo Pascale and Lorenzo […]