Airbus A380 Program Suffers New Blow – Virgin Atlantic Cancels Order

Reading Time: < 1 minute The struggling A380 superjumbo program at Airbus has been hit with more disappointment as Virgin Atlantic cancels its order for six of the 550-seat plane. The order was placed back in 2000 and confirmed in 2001. While an initial delivery date had been set for 2006, continued delays on Airbus’ side, followed by postponements on […]

Embraer’s Full Year 2017 Revenues Decline 6%

Reading Time: 2 minutes During 4Q17, Embraer has delivered 23 commercial and 50 executive aircraft (32 light jets and 18 large jets), for a total of 101 commercial and 109 executive aircraft (72 light and 37 large) delivered in 2017, meeting the Company’s 2017 Guidance for aircraft deliveries. This compares with a total of 32 commercial jets and 43 […]

Boeing Expands Pilot Development Program with Okay Airways

Reading Time: < 1 minute Boeing has expanded its commercial Pilot Development Program (PDP) with the addition of Okay Airways to its growing customer list. The airline joins recent customers Kunming Airlines and YTO Airlines. All three carriers are based in China. Through the Pilot Development Program, Boeing works with a network of flight schools around the globe to provide […]

Airbus A380 and A400M Production Cuts Put 3700 Jobs at Risk

Reading Time: 2 minutes Following the previously announced changes to the A380 and A400M delivery plans, Airbus confirms the formal adjustment of production rates for its A380 and A400M programmes. The new plan, which was presented to the European Works Council, involves the production of six A380s per year starting from 2020 and eight A400Ms per year, also as […]

MC-21 Narrowbody to Sport Russian PD-14 Engines from 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Aviadvigatel PD-14-powered version of Russia’s new-generation Irkut MC-21 narrowbody is scheduled to be rolled out in Q2 2019 following system checks and tests of the engine’s compatibility with the aircraft, Sergey Popov, managing director of UEC – Perm Engines, has announced. There are currently three PD-14 examples being assembled for testing purposes. These powerplants […]

Ilyushin is Ready to Establish a Serial Production of IL-114-300

Reading Time: < 1 minute Ilyushin Aviation Complex (part of the United Aircraft Corporation) is ready to start serial production of Il-114-300 aircraft as soon as possible, which will replace the fleet of imported planes used by Russian air carriers for inter-regional flights, reported by Ilyushin press service. “We understand that the regional aviation market is very promising, and in […]

China’s C919 Aircraft to Undergo Tests Ahead of 2021 Deliveries

Reading Time: < 1 minute China’s first domestically made large passenger aircraft is expected to undergo intensive test flights in 2018, in a bid to make the first delivery of the airliner in 2021. Before the delivery can be made, the C919 still faces complicated and difficult test flights, Science and Technology Daily reported, citing Wang Wei, chief engineer at […]

Airbus Looks to Reduce Supplier Costs to Make C Series Profitable

Reading Time: < 1 minute With Airbus still in discussions with Bombardier and the Canadian Government over its intended acquisition of a 50.01% stake in the ailing C Series project, the French plane maker has announced its intention to squeeze supplier prices for future C Series planes. The intention is to try and make the cost of manufacture of the […]

IAM Files Third Petition at Boeing South Carolina

Reading Time: 2 minutes Boeing has been notified by the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB) that the International Association of Machinists (IAM) has filed a third petition in less than three years seeking to unionize Boeing South Carolina (BSC). This petition is limited exclusively to the flight line teammates, a tactic commonly referred to as “micro-unit” organizing. “This union […]

Airbus to Discus Job Cuts with European Works Council

Reading Time: < 1 minute As a result of continued poor interest in both the Airbus A380 commercial passenger jet and the A400M turboprop military aircraft, Airbus is being faced with making substantial reductions in the workforces associated with these two aircraft. According to a Company press release: Airbus has a policy of first addressing workforce issues with its social […]