EASA: Aviation Growth Poses Environmental Challenges

Reading Time: < 1 minute Continued growth of the aviation sector has produced economic benefits and connectivity in Europe, however environmental and health impacts have increased and are expected to grow substantially in the next 20 years. In particular the predicted increase in greenhouse gas emissions, if not addressed, could undermine efforts to mitigate climate change and limit the global […]

“No Deal” Brexit Endangers Future Air Connectivity

Reading Time: < 1 minute The International Air Transport Association (IATA) said that, although most passengers’ flights will go ahead despite the decision of UK Members of Parliament to reject the UK-EU Brexit agreement, there remains uncertainty for both travelers and airlines about post-Brexit air connectivity. A ‘no deal’ Brexit could lead to a cap on flights that will stunt […]

EASA: Dramatic Increase in Aircraft Crash Fatalities over 2018

Reading Time: < 1 minute The year 2017 entered history as the safest in commercial aviation ever with only 50 fatalities out of 4.1 billion passengers. Tragically, 2018 resulted in 530 fatalities in 11 deadly accidents. 2018 has become the worst in terms of fatalities in commercial aviation since 2015. Talking about Europe, EASA Preliminary Safety Review 2018 revealed that […]

IATA: Airlines’ Profits Set to Soar in 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts the global airline industry net profit to be $35.5 billion in 2019, slightly ahead of the $32.3 billion expected net profit in 2018 (revised down from $33.8 billion forecast in June). Lower oil prices and solid, albeit slower, economic growth (+3.1%) are extending the run of profits for […]

IATA: It Is the Time to Manage Turbulence

Reading Time: < 1 minute The International Air Transport Association (IATA) launched its Turbulence Aware data resource to help airlines avoid turbulence when planning routes tactically in flight. Turbulence Aware augments an airline’s ability to forecast and avoid turbulence by pooling and sharing (in real time) turbulence data generated by participating airlines. Today airlines rely upon pilot reports and weather […]

DGCA Encourages Training to Replicate Lion Air Crash for Boeing Pilots

Reading Time: < 1 minute While confirming that neither Jet Airways nor SpiceJet have experienced any problems with their Boeing 737 MAX jets, India’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has recommended that Boeing pilots undergo additional training. The advice comes after the October 29 crash of a Lion Air 737 MAX which killed all 189 passengers and crew on […]

IATA Calls for a Spirit of Change

Reading Time: 2 minutes The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for a spirit of change from governments to capture the social and economic benefits of air connectivity, by enabling a more competitive air transport sector. Today 8.5 million flights touch Europe each year. That activity supports 12.2 million jobs and $823 billion of European GDP. Those benefits have […]

IATA Outlines Urgent Priorities to Minimize Brexit Impacts

Reading Time: 2 minutes The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called for urgent action by the UK and the European Union to put in place contingency planning for the continuation of air services in the event of a ‘no-deal Brexit’. Intention is to move much faster and to bring certainty to three critical air transport issues: the uninterrupted […]

Frontier Faces $474,000 FAA Penalty for Lacking Medical Supplies

Reading Time: < 1 minute The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes a $474,000 civil penalty against Frontier Airlines, Inc. of Denver, Colo., for allegedly operating aircraft that lacked required medical supplies on hundreds of flights. The FAA alleges that in June and July 2017, Frontier personnel installed on 11 aircraft emergency medical kits that lacked either […]

UK Flights to Europe Can Face Problems Already in March 2019

Reading Time: < 1 minute The UK government has laid bare how Europe-bound flights from the UK could be grounded in the event of a no-deal Brexit in March 2019. The government published new documents on Monday explaining that if it is unable to reach a comprehensive Brexit deal with its European Union counterparts, UK-based airlines would have to seek […]