Author: Dominykas

Emirates Group Announces Record Profits

Reading Time: 8 minutes Group records 28th consecutive year of profit, and new record profit of AED 8.2 billion (US$ 2.2 billion) Steady business growth in line with capacity increases, significant investment in the business at AED 17.3 billion (US$ 4.7 billion) Declares a dividend of AED 2.5 billion (US$ 681 million) to the Investment Corporation of Dubai. Emirates […]

TOP 12 World’s Busiest Passenger Airports In 2015

Reading Time: 3 minutes A few weeks ago Airports Council International (ACI) made their calculations and information updates about the world‘s busiest passenger airports in 2015. With the updated traffic results of the world’s biggest hubs it will be our pleasure to reveal TOP 12 busiest airports for passenger traffic in 2015. The definition of world’s busiest airport has […]

IndiGo to Add New Routes Next Month

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Delhi-based low-cost airline, IndiGo is to start its 15th direct flight between Delhi and Bengaluru and 11th direct flight between Delhi and Chennai from June 1. In a communication to travel agents, the airline has said that the 15th direct daily service between Delhi and Bengaluru will leave at 11.30 p.m. and arrive in […]

Delta Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Engine Cover Falls Off

Reading Time: < 1 minute A Delta flight from Atlanta to Chicago made an emergency landing at the Nashville International Airport following an engine-related issue, an airline spokesman said. Flight 765, carrying 109 passengers and a crew, landed in Nashville after one of the Boeing 717’s two engine’s outermost covering, or cowling, fell off on the aircraft’s starboard side during […]

Amazon Расширит Флот Грузовых Самолетов

Reading Time: < 1 minute Один из крупнейших онлайн-ретейлеров в мире Amazon, ранее объявивший о намерении самостоятельно заняться грузоперевозками, подписал соглашение об аренде 20 конвертированных самолетов Boeing 767F с холдингом Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings (базируется в Нью-Йорке), куда входит американский грузовой оператор Atlas Air. Об этом сообщили в Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings. Таким образом, вместе с ранее заказанными у Air […]

Парад Победы на Красной площади. Пролет авиации.

Reading Time: < 1 minute Парад Победы на Красной площади завершился воздушной частью. Количество участвовавших в воздушном проходе летательных аппаратов Воздушно-космических сил России совпадает с годовщиной Великой Победы – 71 самолет и вертолет.

The Transatlantic Market in Summer 2016

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Transatlantic market between North America and Europe is still the single largest intercontinental market in the world, and with dozens of airlines offering nonstop service on trans-Atlantic routes, it is also highly competitive. After 2012 and 2013 featured a tepid growth in the face of staunch capacity discipline for major U.S. airlines and financial […]

Brazil May Relax Regulation on Foreign Control of Airlines

Reading Time: 2 minutes In the wake of a continued downturn in Brazil’s economy, combined with the worst crisis the aviation industry has witnessed there in years, the Brazilian government could, under the leadership of the current Vice President, Michel Temer, relax the regulations surrounding controlling stakes in local airlines to allow greater foreign control. Current legislation restricts foreign […]

Michael Kaye Named New Head of Austrian Technik

Reading Time: < 1 minute Michael Kaye (50) has commenced work as the new Head of Austrian Airlines Technik effective May 1, 2016. In this capacity he succeeds Michael Delion, who has taken up a new position at Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg. “With Michael Kaye we have been able to attract a top manager to work for Austrian Airlines. I […]

Daleville-Based Aviation Training Company Undergoes Foreign Certification Process

Reading Time: 2 minutes An international company based in Daleville that trains pilots, flight engineers and maintenance technicians on Russian Mi-17 helicopter simulators is in the process of obtaining foreign certification. Concord XXI USA, located on Robert C. Barnes Drive, moved toward completion of a foreign certification this week through the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), via the State […]