Preparing for the New Era of Airline Retailing

Reading Time: < 1 minute The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the Airline Industry Retailing Symposium (AIRS), formerly part of the World Passenger Symposium (WPS), will focus on how changes in distribution and payment are paving the way for a new era of airline retailing. “Initiatives like the New Distribution Capability are enabling airlines to become true internet […]

ICAO Safety Report Confirms 2017 as Aviation’s Safest Year

Reading Time: < 1 minute In 2017, there were 4.1 billion passengers travelling by air worldwide on scheduled commercial services. Tragically, these flights resulted in 50 fatalities. Nonetheless, this rate of 12.2 fatalities per billion passengers represents the safest year ever on the record for aviation. The number of fatal accidents also decreased, to 5 from 7 in 2016, which […]

Airlines and Airports Have Their Eyes Open to Human Trafficking

Reading Time: < 1 minute In support of the United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, Airports Council International (ACI) World and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) emphasized their joint commitment and work to help combat human trafficking. Aviation connects the world, carrying more than four billion passengers a year, but this global network is also used nefariously […]

Aviation Stakeholders Unite to Curb Excessive Drinking

Reading Time: 2 minutes The ‘One Too Many’ campaign is the first-of-its-kind to bring the main Aviation Industry partners together to raise awareness of the need to fly responsibly. This industry led campaign supported by the Aviation Minister, Baroness Sugg will highlight that although serious disruptive behaviour is rare, given its impact on others, even a single disruptive passenger […]

EU Tightens Checks on Mental Health of Air Crew

Reading Time: < 1 minute European Union published new safety rules on air operations, including new provisions to better support the mental fitness of air crew. The Regulation includes the following safety measures: Support programme: all pilots working for European airlines will have access to a support programme that will assist and support pilots in recognising, coping with, and overcoming […]

EU Strengthens Civil Aviation Ties With Latin America and the Caribbean

Reading Time: < 1 minute The European Union and Latin American states celebrated yesterday the launch of a new project to enhance their ties in civil aviation. This four-year project, managed by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA),aims to enhance aviation safety, and promote the political, economic and environmental partnership between the EU and Latin America in the domain of […]

EU Law: Booked Airline Must Pay Compensation in the Event of a Delay or Cancellation

Reading Time: < 1 minute In the event of delay of more than three hours or cancelation of a flight, the airline that offered the flight must pay compensation to passengers – even if the aircraft and crew have been chartered. This was decided by the European Court of Justice. Travelers who are delayed for over three hours will receive […]

Governments Urged to Address Airline Blocked Funds

Reading Time: < 1 minute The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on governments to abide by international agreements and treaty obligations to enable airlines to repatriate revenues from ticket sales and other activities. According to IATA, the amount of airline funds blocked from repatriation totaled $4.9 billion at the end of 2017, which was down 7% compared to year-end […]

Preventing Human Trafficking by Empowering Aircraft Cabin Crew

Reading Time: 2 minutes Aircraft cabin crew will now have better tools to help them prevent human trafficking on commercial flights after the launch of new ICAO-OHCHR Guidelines for Training Cabin Crew on Identifying and Responding to Trafficking in Persons. The new guidelines were unveiled this morning at an ICAO-OHCHR Forum taking place in Geneva, and are seen as […]

UAE and US Reaffirm Open Skies

Reading Time: 2 minutes The UAE welcomed the outcome of recent discussions on civil aviation with the United States in which both countries strongly reaffirmed the 2002 UAE-US Air Transport Agreement (ATA) and the fundamental principles of Open Skies. “The UAE is very pleased that our understanding with the US preserves all of the benefits of Open Skies for […]