Author: Dominykas

Пассажиры 41 авиарейса встретят Новый год в полете

Reading Time: < 1 minute Сервис путешествий OneTwoTrip посчитал количество вылетающих из России 31 декабря рейсов, пассажирам которых предстоит встретить Новый год в полете. Всего таких рейсов будет 41, а вылетят они из пяти городов – Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Екатеринбурга, Краснодара и Томска. Подавляющее большинство рейсов (37) – международные. На них российские путешественники и гости страны улетят в такие страны как […]

Chinese Wanfeng Buys the Majority of Shares in Diamond Aircraft

Reading Time: < 1 minute Chinese automotive and aviation company Wanfeng has bought the majority of shares in Austria’s Diamond Aircraft, the fourth largest general aviation manufacturer in the world. News of the takeover broke just as employees of the Wiener Neustadt factory were breaking up for their Christmas holidays. Diamond also had a subsidiary business in London, Ontario, Canada, […]

First UAE Spyplane Breaks Its Cover

Reading Time: 3 minutes In addition to its openly acknowledged procurement of three Saab GlobalEye airborne early warning aircraft, based on Bombardier’s Global 6000 platform, the UAE is also set to receive two further Global 6000s converted for electronic intelligence (ELINT) or signals intelligence (SIGINT) duties under a more secretive programme. Jon Lake reports. The first of the UAE’s […]

Russia Produced 930 Aircraft Engines in 2017

Reading Time: < 1 minute Russia’s defense and industrial sector has produced 1,200 engines in 2017, including 930 aircraft motors, Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with Rossiya-24 TV Channel on Wednesday. This reported by TASS. “We have produced 1,200 engines this year, including 930 for aviation. These are enormous figures,” the vice-premier said. Russia’s latest PD-14 engine is […]

Emirates Anticipates Peak Travel Towards the End of the Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes Travel is expected to peak once again at the end of the year for Emirates, as the airline expects yet another busy period with visitors flocking into Dubai for New Year’s celebrations. Over 250,000 people are expected to arrive into Dubai from 28 December until just after New Year’s Day, while 200,000 travellers will be […]

SSJ100 c законцовками крыла взлетел в Жуковском

Reading Time: 2 minutes Первый испытательный полёт самолёта Sukhoi Superjet 100 с установленными горизонтальными законцовками крыла состоялся в четверг, 21 декабря, на аэродроме Лётно-исследовательского института им. М.М. Громова “Раменское” (г. Жуковский Московской области). После получения сертификата законцовки будут устанавливаться в качестве дополнительной опции как на новые, так и на ранее поставленные воздушные суда. Как сообщили в пресс-службе компании АО […]

UAE Carriers Stop Tunisian Links After Terrorist Risk

Reading Time: < 1 minute UAE carriers were “banned” from landing in Tunisia after Dubai’s national carrier Emirates refused boarding to Tunisian women under the age of 30. Initially the Tunisian authorities were reacting to claims that the Emirates action was discriminatory and racial but reports now suggest Tunisia has been made aware of credible intelligence which led to the […]

Boeing Receives Contract for Japan KC-46 Tanker

Reading Time: 2 minutes Through the Foreign Military Sale process, the U.S. Air Force has awarded Boeing a $279 million contract for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force’s first KC-46 tanker and logistics support, marking the aircraft’s first international sale. Japan chose Boeing’s KC-46 tanker over competitors following its KC-X aerial refueling competition. The KC-46 adds to the JASDF’s current […]

Ex-Embraer Executive Pleads Guilty in Saudi Bribes Case

Reading Time: 2 minutes A former executive at Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer pleaded guilty on Thursday for his role in bribing a Saudi official in the sale of three jets, the US Justice Department announced. Colin Steven, a 61-year-old British national residing in the United Arab Emirates, admitted to charges of foreign bribery, wire fraud, money laundering and false […]

Russo-Chinese CR 929 Program Passes Critical Design Review

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Board of Directors of China-Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation (CRAIC), the joint venture between Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and China’s COMAC, has approved the critical design review (CDR) of the widebody long-haul airliner family dubbed CR 929, to be designed jointly by the two countries. UAC confirms that the program has passed the […]