Author: Dominykas

First Flight of AW109 Trekker Helicopter

Reading Time: 2 minutes Finmeccanica announced the maiden flight of the new AgustaWestland AW109 Trekker light twin engine helicopter. A prototype aircraft took to the air for the first time today at the Helicopter Division’s Cascina Costa facility (Italy), flown by pilots Giuseppe Afruni and Giuseppe Segreto. The helicopter performed as expected during the flight which included an assessment of its general handling […]

United Airlines Updates Its Fleet

Reading Time: 2 minutes United Airlines announced an order to purchase 25 new Boeing 737-700 aircraft. The order is in addition to the previously announced order of 40 737-700s. United will take delivery of the aircraft beginning at the end of 2017. The new 737-700 aircraft will enable United to continue utilizing larger, more efficient aircraft as the airline […]

JetBlue Launches ‘Gateway Select’ Pilot Training Program

Reading Time: 4 minutes JetBlue announced the launch of its seventh pilot recruiting pathway, Gateway Select, the airline’s new competency-based training program for aspiring pilots.  JetBlue also announced it will partner with CAE to help deliver Gateway Select’s training curriculum, leveraging CAE’s experience in delivering competency-based training programs to airlines throughout the world. Gateway Select allows participants the opportunity […]

First Time Ever All-Female Pilot Crew at Air Zimbabwe

Reading Time: < 1 minute History was recently made in the country of Zimbabwe when, for the first time ever, an all-female flight deck crew took command of an Air Zimbabwe Boeing 737 flying from Harare to Victoria Fall. They were the pilots, not the flight attendants. Photos posted to Facebook by the airline show Captain Chipo M. Matimba and […]

Во Франции Аэробус А320 Избежал Столкновения с Беспилотником

Reading Time: < 1 minute Во Франции самолет А320 со 160 пассажирами на борту избежал столкновения в воздухе с беспилотным летательным аппаратом (БЛА). Как сообщили в пятницу в Бюро расследования и анализа происшествий на транспорте (БРАПТ), инцидент произошел неподалеку от парижского аэропорта Руасси-Шарль де Голль 19 февраля. По словам пилотов, беспилотник “пролетел всего в пяти метрах под левым крылом самолета”. […]

“Аэрофлот” Стал Второй по Рентабельности Авиакомпанией в Европе

Reading Time: < 1 minute По показателю операционной маржи «Аэрофлот» уступает лишь одной европейской компании — исландскому перевозчику Icelandair, подсчитало австрийское аналитическое агентство CAPA. Об этом пишет Forbes. При обороте в 415,2 млрд рублей и операционной прибыли в 44,1 млрд рублей, рентабельность «Аэрофлота» по основной деятельности выросла вчетверо до 10,3%. Следом за «Аэрофлотом» идет концерн IAG, объединяющий British Airways и […]

2016 Год Для Аэропортов Украины. Что Нового?

Reading Time: 2 minutes В первую очередь это открытые данные об авиационной деятельности и открытые данные о ифнрастуктуре аэропортов, как очередной шаг в сторону реформ. На основании собранных данных, которие должны постоянно обновляться, можно будет оперативно понимать: что, когда и как нужно развивать в аэропортах, пишет в коленке для портала ЦТС директор «Украэропроект» Кирилл Новиков. За такую ​​работу взялись […]

Bombardier C Series Aircraft Route-proving Takes Off in Europe

Reading Time: 2 minutes Bombardier Commercial Aircraft announced that it has commenced CS100 aircraft route-proving exercises in Europe. The month-long program is underway with a dedicated CS100 route-proving aircraft operated by Bombardier from launch operator Swiss International Air Lines’ (“SWISS”) base in Zurich, Switzerland. The route-proving exercises are scheduled to include main European cities such a Brussels, Vienna and […]

Oman Names Its First Budget Airline

Reading Time: < 1 minute Muscat National Development and Investment Company has announced that the country’s first budget airline will fly under the brand name Salam Air. The name, which is derived from the Arabic greeting, is a result of a nationwide public poll conducted on Twitter and the company’s corporate website. Commenting on the naming process CEO Khalid bin […]

Iran Invites Boeing To Talk About Plane Purchases

Reading Time: < 1 minute Iran has invited U.S. planemaker Boeing Co (BA.N) to Tehran to discuss purchasing jetliners aimed at revamping its aging fleet hit by decades of sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic, state TV reported on Friday. In February, Iran’s deputy transport minister Asghar Fakhrieh Kashan told Reuters the country was ready to buy at least 100 […]