Will Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 Engine Problems See the End?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Rolls-Royce, one of the leading manufacturers of aircraft engines, said it is making steady progress with Trent 1000 engines to eliminate issues and make grounded aircraft airborne again. However, the progress appears to be slightly below the original plans, meaning that safe take-off of Boeing 787 planes powered by the Trent 1000 engines will be […]

Boeing in Discussions with Chinese 737 MAX Customers

Reading Time: < 1 minute In order not to lose its Chinese customers, Boeing is holding another series of discussions on the Boeing 737 MAX issues. The aircraft manufacturer expects to gather for talks with the representatives from such airlines as China Southern, Air China, China Eastern, Xiamen Airlines and Hainan Airlines. Since April 2019 this is the second round […]

Airbus Kicks off with the A220 Production in the US

Reading Time: 2 minutes Airbus has officially started manufacturing the A220 aircraft at Airbus’ Mobile, Alabama-based production facility, in the US. With such a move the aircraft manufacturer aims to meet and increase the demand for its A220 program among the US customers. The first team of the workers for the 220 program have just completed their on-the-job training […]

Airbus A320: From CEO to NEO

Reading Time: 3 minutes 1984 is the year to remember. Every Airbus fan knows the day when the Airbus A320 was launched. Air France was the first Airbus customer to operate this type of aircraft in 1988. A320 family aircraft fly on every continent and it is often a top-choice around the globe from low-cost carriers to full-service airlines […]

Boeing 777X: First Flight Delayed but Deliveries Remain on Schedule?

Reading Time: < 1 minute One more Boeing’s hope went into trouble. The long-awaited 777X model, which was initially scheduled to go on the first flight in 2019, was announced to have its maiden flight pushed until the early 2020. The delay appeared due to the engine problems announced in June. Correspondingly, the first deliveries to airlines are at risk […]

COMAC Readies to Enter Market with C919: Accelerates Flight Tests

Reading Time: 2 minutes China is further progressing with the development of its own passenger aircraft – COMAC C919. Publicly introduced in 2017 after the completion of its maiden flight, the program is currently running tests on four prototypes which will be joined by two more this year. Recently, the fourth prototype, 104, has successfully joined the company of […]

Boeing Considers All Scenarios: Shutdown of 737 MAX Program Included

Reading Time: < 1 minute Boeing has announced its financial results for the second quarter. A $3.7 billion adjusted loss in the second quarter. The largest Boeing’s loss ever caused by the 737 MAX aircraft grounding. Last year Boeing made $2.4 billion profit. In the course of six months of 2019, in turn, the company suffered heavy losses. And this […]

Cost of Boeing 737 MAX Grounding: $5 Billion

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Boeing Company has to accept billions in special costs in its balance sheet owing to the 737 MAX crisis. In the second quarter, an additional burden of US$4.9 billion after taxes will be incurred, the company announced on Thursday after the close of the U.S. stock market. The 737 MAX series has been grounded […]

Did You Know How New Aircraft Names Are Created?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Which aircraft types have you travelled by? Have you ever noticed that aircraft names are not just a combination of letters and numbers randomly assigned to the aircraft? Actually, there is a fine-tuned system behind it. Every manufacturer has a pretty rigid code for its aircraft names. Let’s start with Airbus and take a look […]

Guinness Record: World’s Biggest Engine Given the Title of Most Powerful

Reading Time: 2 minutes A new GUINNESS WORLD RECORD. The record-breaking Boeing 777X aircraft will be powered by the most powerful commercial aircraft jet engine in the world, GE9X.  GE Aviation has broken its own record again. Until now, this record (title for the thrust) was held by GE’s GE90-11B engine of 127,900 pounds set in 2002. In 2017, […]